Sunday, January 9, 2011

Aligment Problems?

Misalignment causes the most common swing problems - slicing the ball... an "over the top" swing... the "pop-up" shot... "throwing" the hands (which strips away most of your power)... and the plain ol' inaccurate "into the weeds" shot -- All these problems can almost all be boiled down to poor alignment.

Standing sideways to the target is creating an "Alignment Illusion" that's forcing you to line up wrong.

I learned a couple ways you can train yourself to align properly while actually playing the game (you should also perform this routine on EVERY practice shot at the range).
  1. Approach every shot from behind, looking down the target line.
  2. Use a visual reference - like a divot, a leaf, or something else lying on the ground, to line up your ball to the target. It's illegal (though technically not stated in the U.S. Constitution), to drop your own reference point into place. You've got to use something that's already on the ground.
  3. While lined up and in your stance, check your target by rolling your head, not picking it up.

    4. Point your hip bone right at your target....fairway---flag--or where ever your want the ball to land...imagine a pointer or laser shooting out of this spot and pointing right to your target. Address the ball then stand straight up point your hip bone at the target and adjust your feet.

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